Monitoring Access to Insulin

Throughout our project, ACCISS has endeavoured to shed light on the prices, availability and affordability of insulin and supplies, and blood glucose self-monitoring devices. Further, we are committed to improving transparency of medicine prices and availability wherever possible.

To achieve this, we developed the Monitoring Access to Insulin (MAIn) tool. This app-based survey tool can to used for phone or in-person regular monitoring (or one-off surveys) of facilities and households who use insulin within countries. The results are uploaded into an online dashboard, which you can view on this website.

Presentation of Data

We have developed a few ways to view the data collected from our tool. On this website you can find both an overview of the data across countries and our national dashboards, which provide all of the MAIn survery results per country, per monitoring period. To learn more about the tool click here to download our MAIn flyer.


New here? Please first read our User Guide. 


This database is a work in progress.  The dashboards and tables refresh when new monitoring data is available.  Other elements, such as an assesment of treatment affordability, is currently in development.

Please contact us ( if you are interested in using MAIn to monitor access to insulin.